Thursday Thirteen

Going through a rough time, so I thought I’d list 13 things to look forward to (in no particular order):

  1. The weekend 🙂
  2. Broadchurch finale tonight at 10 on BBC AmericaImage from BBC America
  3. Christmas
  4. Book Club meeting Oct. 9
  5. Daughter coming home December 13th
  6. Catching up with the Agatha Raisin series and Hamish MacBeth
  7. Thanksgiving Break image from
  8. Two week long Christmas Break this year
  9. Lunch date with family member I haven’t seen in a long time
  10. Receiving retro pay
  11. Receiving estate settlement
  12. Malice Domestic
  13. Retirement

13 thoughts on “Thursday Thirteen

  1. I hope the 13 things lifted your spirits. They made me smile. Thanks for sharing.
    The Food Temptress

  2. foodtemptress says:

    I hope your list lifted your spirits. It made me smile. Thanks for sharing. The Food Temptress

  3. I hope things get better soon!

  4. Shelley Munro says:

    I hope things improve for you soon. I haven’t heard of Broadchurch. It hasn’t made it down this end of the world yet. I grabbed an audio copy of the first Agatha Raisin book last week. I haven’t read this series before.

  5. Well, I enjooyed reading all to which you are looking forward. I’ve been in India now over three months, three months to go. I am really looking forward to see my first grandchild, who was only six weeks old when I left.

    My 13 post is about wonderful places I’ve seen.

  6. CountryDew says:

    Retirement is a great thing to look forward to!

  7. kimmenozzi says:

    You’ve got a lot to look forward to, indeed! I only caught the first episode of Broadchurch this summer when I was in the US – I’m going to have to track down the rest and watch the whole series (probably in a marathon weekend)!

    Happy TT!

  8. Great list. I’m definitely with you on 1 and 3!

  9. Heather L says:

    Here’s to better days!

  10. Good to conclude with retirement, like an exclamation point!

  11. Great list! I hope things start looking up for you again soon. *Hugs* Happy Thursday.

  12. Alice Audrey says:

    Christmas? ! I’m not even ready for October. But I can see how you’d be excited.

    • When my kids were around more October used to be big for going to the corn maze and Halloween – decorating the house and yard but now we don’t even get trick or treaters anymore (parents send kids to parties or keep them home). Anyway Christmas is like a vacation this year because we have a two week break, so I’m really looking forward to it.

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